One On One Training
Quick Start - Beginners: 40min session with an Instructor
One-on-one personal instruction for those who are new to firearms.This introduction training will briefly cover firearms safety and fundamentals. In about 20 minutes you will be out on the range sending your first shots on to a target, with an instructor by your side.
• For new shooters, this course provides only a 22 caliber or 380 handgun and 50 rounds of ammunition
• Everything you need: eye and ear protection and targets for up to THREE students
• Limited to one firearm only 22 or 380
Fee is $100.00 for one person.
Each additional participant is $50.00.
Limited to a total of THREE.
Click here to book your date and time
4-Hour Weekend Core Basic Firearms Training
In-depth 4-hour session for new shooters. Starting in the classroom, we begin with a complete overview of safety, firearm types and function, ammunition, and marksmanship fundamentals. Then to the range for live fire with both 22 caliber 9mm firearms with an instructor by your side.• Everything you need: eye and ear protection, ammunition, targets and classroom materials are provided
• You may bring your own handgun to use
• You will need to provide or purchase 50 rounds of ammunition.
• No aluminum, steel or bi-metal ammunition
Fee is $170.00 per person.
To book a 4-Hour Weekend Class click here
Firearms Test Drive Or Bring Your Own Firearm
Up to 1 Hour session with an InstructorFor those with more experience who are looking for their first firearms, we offer Test Drive with up to 6 different firearms.
Or BYOF and work with an instructor on fundamentals
• Test Drive: Up to 6 different firearms - handguns, rifles or shotguns
• Bring Your Own: will need to provide or purchase at least 50 rounds of ammunition for handgun or rifle
• Shotgun requires a minimum of 20 rounds of 00 buck or slug
• No aluminum, steel, bi-metal ammunition or target/bird loads allowed
• Everything you need: eye and ear protection and targets for up to TWO students
• Ammunition must be purchased at the range for an additional charge
Fee is $150.00 for one person
A second participant is $75.00
Limited to a total of TWO
Click here to book your date and time
Other Training Courses
Lead and Coffee - Early morning training sessions
Come in early before the doors open for down range adventures with Range Manager and Senior Instructor Michael Hernandez.These downrange classes will cover intermediate and advanced skills in handgun accuracy, speed shooting, moving and shooting, addressing multiple targets and much more. Ideal for those who want to push their skills and learn more defensive minded principals. Work from either your concealed or open carry holster.
Participants must be holster qualified with FT3 (holster class information)
Class Fee: $40 per event
Required gear:
• Holster (must meet FT3 holster requirements)
• Firearm
• 2 or more magazines
• Magazine carrier
• 150 rounds is recommended (no steel, bi-metal, or aluminum)
• Eyes and ears
Events start at 9am and run until approx. 10:45am. Class length is subject to change to meet the availability and needs of the range.
To register for upcoming classes click here
Holster Draw Certification and Hours:
This course will certify you with FT3 to participate in Holster Hours and in holster required classes offers by FT3.Holster hours are ideal for CCW and competition practice.
The certification course will cover basic holster draw techniques, orientation on safety procedures for range use and range rules regarding holsters during specified times.
To learn more and register click here